microblading before and afterWhat is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup. Pigment is deposited into the dermis with a unique hand instrument. Hair-like strokes are made with the tool to mimic natural hair in your brows.

How long does it last?

Everyone is different; it can last 1-3 years. You may need to come in for touch-ups yearly, and some clients require an every 3-month touch-up.

Does it hurt?

This is designed to be a gentle procedure with minimal discomfort. The degree of discomfort will depend on several factors, such as if you opt for anesthetics, location of the treatment, and your pain threshold. In the beginning you will feel a scratching feeling while we are marking the shape and design of the brow. A numbing cream is then applied which is absorbed into the skin within a few seconds. Once the cream has absorbed, you will have very little feeling.

*Call us for a free consultation and variable pricing.