
We all want Younger, Healthier, Radiant skin!

With Cynosure Elite Plus laser you can have your youthful skin back!

The Elite Plus Laser works by stimulating the collagen in skin as ittightens and improves overall skin texture. The increase in collagen helps in reducing the signs symptoms of aging skin.  

Unlike other treatments that remove an outer layer of skin and require significant healing time, the Elite laser is a non-invasive treatment that works by gently penetrating the inner layer of skin so the outer skin itself is not damaged. After treatment, you may return to your normal activities.

There’s only minimal discomfort which can feel like mild sunburn (heat on skin) an SPF of 30 or greater must be applied on a daily basis. 

Areas of treatment available: Face, Neck, and Chest

Researchers have found that only about 20% of how you age is genetic.

Whatever your age, don’t let sun damage and passing years dictate the tone and texture of your skin.  Take control of your skin with an Elite plus Laser facial. 

The Elite+ laser works by using pulses of light that target unwanted discolorations in the skin, reducing or eliminating their appearance. Age spots, sun spots, freckles, wrinkles, even facial veins and the blush of rosacea can all be treated effectively.  Additionally, a laser facial is known to have the benefit of gently heating surrounding tissue, resulting in collagen stimulation which improves your skin’s texture and provides a fresher, smoother look to your skin.  Contact us today to find out how we can help you take control of your skin.

Laser Skin Firming